Return & Exchange policy
We stand behind everything that we sell. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a replacement or refund within 30 days of purchase. We will accept any return that is in new, unused condition.
Returns must include the original packing slip indicating the reason(s) for return. If you no longer have the original packing slip, please include the order number or name, address, and zip code of the person who placed the order.
Customers are responsible for postage / carrier costs on returns for refund.
If you have been shipped the wrong item or defective product, please contact our returns department via email at or call 1-734-524-0797 will provide postage for shipping errors or defects in merchandise.
Please send your return to the following address:
Returns Dept
5020 Samantha Lynn Dr.
West Branch, Mi. 48661
Your credit will be issued after we have received and processed your returned item(s).
Once your return for refund arrives and is processed, we will refund you the price of the item(s) minus our original shipping costs.
In the event that we are unable to refund your original payment method (closed account, credit card no longer valid, etc.), we will instead issue a store credit for the amount of the item(s).
The fastest way to exchange a product is to return your original purchase and place a new order at the same time. Immediately placing a new order ensures that youll get the new product quickly and that it wont go out of stock while you wait for an exchange.
Give us a call if you prefer to make an exchange without setting up a new order. 1-734-524-0797